Author Archive: Randall Daluz

“The Choice” by Randall S Daluz

TheChoice_thumbnailTHE CHOICE

When in love we smile.
When we lose it we cry.
Many of us ride on
an emotional roller coaster
until the day that we die.
More highs than lows
is what we hope to
The only ones
who live peacefully
are the ones who


“The Choice”
Written by
Randall S Daluz
© 2014
All Rights Reserved

What God has cleansed…

cleanmeActs 11:9  But the voice answered me again from heaven, ‘What God has cleansed you must not call common.’ (NKJV)

I love this verse.  Often times I have thought of myself as unclean because of my past.  I once spoke to a minister about it and he showed me this verse.  I immediately realized that it was talking about me and everyone who is saved.   (more…)

Jody Webber

Interview with Jody Webber on 8/30/2013 at PCJ, Bangor, Maine:

When I first met Jody Webber, I saw God in his eyes. I could sense the Holy Spirit in him. It wasn’t long after meeting him that I knew I wanted to get some of his story on paper. Jody and I were roommates for a short while. During our time together we got to know each other through a series of conversations. I learned that brother Jody is a beautiful artist. I know him to be kind and generous. Like all men, Jody struggles with sin. One can see when you talk to him that he desires to do right by God. I pray that he continues to grow in the Lord and allows Jesus to break the chains that have bound him to the vicious cycle he has been trapped in. (more…)

Interviews Introduction

interview1At the bottom of the Interviews page is my very first interview with Jody Webber.  I was very excited to share it with you because it is so much more than just an interview. It was my first attempt to bring the outside in; to show the humanity that lies trapped behind the steel, brick and mortar. Most importantly, it was my first attempt to show human value that exists within a so-called criminal; not just the value that society may or may not see, but the value that our Lord Jesus Christ sees.

I, being just a man, cannot express in words the full measure of our Lord’s love for mankind. My hope is that I can at least offer a glimpse. My dream is to show you that though we may be convicts, we are still men with the same hopes, dreams and feelings as those of you on the outside. Many of us love God with all of our hearts and we have complete faith in His will.

One of the problems with the prison system as it is, is that it separates people from society – which means it also separates brothers and sisters in Christ from each other. I pray that in some small way God will use me and others to bridge the gap.

“The God Principle” by Randall S Daluz


Nothing means Nothing. It cannot be multiplied, added, subtracted, or divided. From Nothing you get Nothing. Therefore logic tells us that everything started from something. In order for something to be created it must have a creator. We live in a world of patterns, and patterns suggest order, and order suggests a divine plan for everything. Thus we can deduce that there is nothing random about our existence. Not only do we have a purpose we are also powerful. We are the only beings on this planet that can change ourselves mentally, physically, and most importantly spiritually. How is it that we could obtain such power randomly?
Surely it is illogical for one to believe that everything randomly came from nothing? Right? Yet that is exactly what is happening. We are being taught that idiocy in our schools, and thus our society is becoming ever more sickly. We are becoming a depressed, delusional, self loathing, pill popping, drug and alcohol addicted, race of pitiful losers. Feeling worthless beyond material wealth. We owe all that to greedy, evil, ego maniacal, corporate vampires; who manipulate us with lies and fear in order to make us easy prey. We are slowly and methodically becoming faithless, mindless, heathens. We are steadily being fed lies. To keep us reliant on the status quo. We are being taught not to rely on God, and made to believe that our government, employers, and those with money are our higher power. We think we are advancing as a society, but really we are regressing back to the ways of our ancestors. They fell away from God and became idolaters. Winston Churchill said “the further we look into our past the more we understand our future”. We who believe know that God is love. As the world’s faith in God diminishes so to does its faith in love. Without love what can we accomplish? Thankfully there is a remedy to this dire circumstance we find ourselves in. There is redemption, salvation, and purpose. The best part is it won’t cost us a dime. It has already been paid for with blood. All we need to do is humble ourselves, shed our foolish pride, admit our sins, acknowledge our creator, and ask his forgiveness. Simple! This is the basis and the foundation of the God principle.


“The God Principle”
Written by Randall S Daluz
© 2014
All Rights Reserved