Undefeatable In CHRIST
Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
May GOD’s strength, power, light, wisdom and glory be ever upon you all. I have a confession to make. My last post, “Unchain Your Heart“, was written over a year ago. I have several backup posts in case I were unable or unwilling to write. I was in a bit of a funk. All the racisim and violence taking place in my country has deeply affected me. Let me give my belated condolences to all the families of all the victims whether they were police officers or citizens. The racial issues in our justice system are very personal to me as a person of color who is currently being railroaded and shafted by this wickedly unjust system. It really struck a nerve in me and I could not write because I was so emotional that I would not have been able to serve GOD the way that I should. As the violence continued down south, a decision was made in my appeal. The judges found all kinds of excuses as to why it is okay to use someones skin color against them at trial. They had little to back up their decision, so they included things that were not even argued at trial to justify their awful and politically motivated decision. I expected that. There is a terrible sickness in this country. Racism is a plague. People who turn a blind eye to it and pretend that it doesn’t exist are afraid. (more…)