A Young Man Seeks God

Dear Readers:
One of the most wonderful things that I have ever experienced happened recently.  I was on the rec yard speaking with another inmate when a young man approached and joined our conversation.  The other inmate I was speaking with is also a believer.  We were discussing God and talking about prayer.  All of a sudden, the young man spoke up.  He said, “I would like to get to know God.  I have a bible but I don’t know where to begin.”  Immediately I felt butterflies in my stomach.  I knew the Lord had chosen me to be a witness to the young man.  I said, “The gospel of John is the best place to start, brother.”  I told him about some of the things the Lord has done for me.

Many of the men here are amazed at how calm and joyful I am despite my situation.  Often times I am asked how I do it.  I use those circumstances to bear witness to the power of the Lord.  I tell them how wonderful the Lord is and how much He wants to help them and love on them.

I am not allowed to conduct bible studies at rec, so I asked the young man if he would like to visit with someone who can do bible studies with him and help him build a relationship with the Lord.  He smiled and eagerly said, “Yes.”  I connected him with a local volunteer.  This particular young man has had some behavioral issues here.  He is only 18 and you can see the pain in his eyes.  Many times when people don’t know the Lord and are hurting they act out.  He got himself put on administrative lock-down, which means he was restricted to his cell for 23 hours a day.  He could not have visits until he was off of lock-down.  The volunteer checked on him every day and was finally allowed to see him.

When I saw the young man at rec today he came up to me and thanked me for connecting him with the volunteer.  He had a great visit and he is eager to start bible studies.  The young man told me that he knew God was watching over him because as soon as he was let out of lock down, he was taken to visit with the volunteer.  I explained that God does not always speak in words, instead he often uses people or circumstances to show he has his hand in our lives.

I have taken him under my wing and he is now my workout partner.  I believe that with enough love and support, this young man will receive salvation and turn his life around.  I will keep you updated on his progress.  Please pray for him.  I cannot mention his name at this time because I have not yet been able to get a signed release form from him yet.  I am sure I will soon.  Praise God for He is good; for His mercy endures forever!  Amen.

May God bless and keep you.  Love in Christ,