Dear Readers,
This week we will begin a series of letters, lyrics and interviews provided by six inmates from various facilities throughout Maine. All of them are seeking the Lord. All of them are broken men in need of love, prayer and support. As you read their writings, I pray you keep an open mind. I pray you look past their sins and see their humanity. I am praying for all these men and I hope you will as well.
I have chosen to begin this series with song lyrics by a young man named James Footman:
“The Book Of My Life” and “Set Me Free” . When I read his lyrics, my heart broke for him. I could see and feel the hurt and pain in his words. I am not sure about James’ salvation status; that is between him and God. I am sure that this man is suffering badly. I warn you that when you read his lyrics and process the full weight of his pain, you may be brought to tears as was I. Please keep James in your prayers.
May God Bless and Keep You!
Love In Christ,