Author Archive: Randall Daluz

Unity and Diversity

I Corinthians 12:13  For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

Randall_Daluz_ChristianWorldViewMy grandpa, Norman Tibbetts, was a wonderful human being.  He was English and Native American.  He had white skin.  Growing up in Aroostook County, Maine – during the depression – I don’t think grandpa had many colored friends (if any at all).  None-the-less, grandpa believed in freedom and equality for every American regardless of color or social status.  Grandpa fought in World War II and he used to tell me that he fought for every man, woman and child in America, not just whites.  My father was Creole and had dark skin.  I am pretty sure he was the first colored man my grandpa and gramma ever shared a meal with.  My mother was nervous that day, she told me.  My grandpa and my dad liked each other from the start.  They had a mutual respect for one another.  You see, neither of them cared about color; it was the character of a person that mattered.  Those were the values my family grew up with and they passed those values down to us kids.  My grandparents loved me from the day I was born and they never treated me any different because of my color.  My family is diverse and I thank the Lord for that.  I have been stereotyped (more…)

Veterans Day

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI wrote the poem, “We Must Soldier On” as a metaphor for the spiritual battles and trials we endure in life.  This week, I would like to dedicate it to the service men and women who bravely and selflessly risk their lives for us.  Men like my grandpa, Norman Tibbetts Sr. (WW II) and my uncle, Norman Jr. who served during the Vietnam war and my nephew, Patrick who fought in operation Iraqi Freedom.  It is not for me to say who is right when it comes to war.  Only God can judge, but I am grateful that there are people willing to give their lives for this country.  I cannot thank them enough.  I long to go to Heaven where there will be no more war.   (more…)

A Prayer For Peace

praying w bible_redDear Lord,  I pray for all soldiers in all conflicts around the world, both spiritual and physical. Lord, I lift them up to You.  May You bless them and guide them toward the Peace that is Salvation.  Lord, I lift their families up to You, Father.  May You comfort them and guide them toward the same Peace that is Salvation.  Lord, I pray for the families and loved ones of the fallen soldiers.  May You comfort them and console them, Father, and may they also find the Peace that is Salvation.  I pray this in the name of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ.  May the world seek the Peace that is Salvation.  Father, help us all to know Peace in Jesus name.  Amen.

Romans 10:13  For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

A Prayer by Randall Daluz

Ryan McLaughlin

This is Part 4 of our 6-part interview series.  This is given by Ryan McLaughlin, who is still seeking the Lord.  Please pray for him.

Listen, I’m not really sure how to tell this story. I grew up surrounded by a strong Irish family that had me in church from day one. My grandfather helped build the church that I still go to, the same church my four year old daughter and infant son go to, but in the last year, I have been away from the church and away from my family. None of this time away from either one has been a choice I made knowingly, but was still a choice I made out of desperation, not knowing it would end up with me writing this letter for a friend while waiting to go to federal prison. Going to church every Sunday wasn’t enough. You see, I know the Word of God and I’ve listened to sermons and been there for sunrise services. But, knowing the Word is not the same as living for God. It’s not enough just to stand and watch others. God wants action in our life.   (more…)

Walking In The Light

walkinginthelightEphesians 5:8-14  For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),  finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.  For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.  But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.  Therefore He says:  “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”

The Lord is the light; when you bask in His light, you are basking in the glory of the Lord. Hallelujah!  It feels so good to walk in the light of the Lord.  My brothers and sisters in Christ know exactly what I mean.  The devil is afraid of the light, that’s why he walks and creeps in the darkness. (more…)

Anonymous Testimony

This is Part 3 of our 6-part interview series.  This inmate has requested to remain anonymous at this time.

Hi.  I am thirty-one years old from Pasadena, California.  I have made more mistakes than I can count.  Recently, I was arrested for a drug-related crime.  I never actually considered the impact my actions had on other people.  I felt that my mistakes or choices affected me and me alone, but I was wrong.  Well, over the last 3 years I have been inmate number ####, housed at the Somerset County Jail. This is not my first trip to jail, but this time is a lot different. I could tell you it’s different because I am looking at doing 25 years in federal prison, but that is not the reason (more…)


Dear Readers:

I want to talk to you about Grace.  We are saved by the grace of the Lord.
[2 Corinthians 8:9]  Praise Jesus!  He became poor so that we could become rich.  The Son of God, one-third of the Trinity, humbled Himself and live in poverty so that we can be rich; so that we can inherit His kingdom and rule with Him.  He doesn’t want us to just be servants, He wants us to rule with Him.  Hallelujah!  [John 17:20-22]  He wants us to be one with Him and the Father – “And the glory which you gave me, I have given them.”  God the Father gave Him glory and He gave that glory to us. (more…)


hourglassesDear Readers:
I would like to talk to you this week about patience.  Hope, faith and patience are intricately linked.  To be patient, you must have hope and faith.

Romans 12:12
“rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;”

Sometimes it is hard to be patient in the face of adversity or during tribulations.  I say this as a man who is currently facing great trials and tribulations.  Right now, I am fighting for a new trial.  The State is stalling my case by refusing to provide some evidence. (more…)

Love, Not Hate

heartondarkrainywindowDear Readers:
Being in the situation I am in, I have come face to face with hate. There are a lot of wayward souls who spew misguided anger at me. They assume the worst about me without really knowing me or the true facts about my situation. Some hate me because I am biracial. Others believe I am some ignorant, uneducated loser from some ghetto. Still others hate just to hate. There was One who came long before anyone ever hated me and He was spit on, whipped, beaten, persecuted and crucified. His name is Jesus Christ. I will never pretend to compare myself to my Lord, but going though this has brought me closer to Him and helped me identify with Him. Jesus endured all that suffering… for me, the people who hate me and even for the ones who hate Him. (more…)

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:44 (NKJV)

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you

Love your enemies.  To people who don’t know Jesus, that sounds crazy!  Even those of us who believe may struggle with that from time to time.  It took a while for me to understand how important it is to love and pray for my enemies.  There are still times when I have to read scripture to remind myself;  I have to love and pray for people who hate me.  But the more you do it, the better you feel.  When you love people who consider themselves enemies, you take away their power over you.  More importantly, you strip the devil of one of his greatest weapons – contention. (more…)

Wayne Boulier Jr.

Dear Readers,
This is Part 2 of our 6-part series.  Wayne and I have never met, but we share a common bond.  We love Jesus.  Wayne seems to be genuinely seeking the Lord.  Please pray for Wayne, brothers and sisters.  From the tone of his letter it seems he needs all the love and support he can get.  I pray that the Lord will be allowed by Wayne to continue his transformation. The Lord can transform anyone, but we must accept His love and salvation with our whole heart.  May God Bless and Keep You.
Love In Christ,  Randall

[ The following is a testimony submitted with permission from Wayne Boulier Jr. (34 yrs old) ]

I was born in New Britain Connecticut, on July 14th, 1980. Although I was raised in a home where both of my parents worked full time and made a middle class income, my family structure was plagued by alcoholism and violence. (more…)